Ellen, you did it again! Why do you always mess up? Tears spilled, blurring my vision, as I berated myself. Why can’t you hold your tongue, not lose your temper?
Alone in the car on this early morning, I was angry at myself – for my anger! And for not taking my cares and concerns to God first. It seems that my mouth opens and out spews dragon fire. Over and over again, I fail Him. Like the Israelites, I’m sure God thinks I’m stiff-necked, refusing to change. Not listening to His still, quiet voice.
Lord, You must be so frustrated with me. I’M frustrated with me! I’m so sorry, Father.
I rounded a bend in the road. There before me were brilliant rays of sun, peeking over the clouds. The orange and yellow of the morning sun became brighter as the ball of fire rose higher. It awakens my memory. Every morning brings a new day.
“God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.” Genesis 1:8
“There was evening and there was morning, a third day.” Genesis 1:13
And so it went each day, until God completed the creation of the world. Evening, then morning, a new day.
The breathtaking sunrise brings this to mind: God’s presence is nearer than my breath. The palate of colors, painted with the Lord’s hand, shows me His tender care for me. His love never ends, even when I can’t seem to get my act together.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
His mercy and deep compassion is new each day. As far as the east is from the west, that’s how far my sins are from me, because of His love. The Lord wipes the slate clean, yesterday’s sins are gone. Today is a new day.
Yes, it’s good and necessary to daily confess our sins. As we confess, we also remind ourselves of His great love and faithfulness. There is nothing we can do to separate us from the love of Christ. His mercies are new each morning.
Evening, then morning, a new day! And a new opportunity to live for the glory of God, by the power of Jesus’ blood, with the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.
Amen and amen.
For His Glory,
Beautiful Ellen! Is this your own photography too?
Thank you, and yes ma’am it is!!