We each received a white rock. At a conference. At dinner.
Crazy, right? The speaker at the conference told us to write on our stone. She was dynamic and had a wonderful message. But afterwards, we couldn’t remember exactly what our words on the rock were supposed to represent. I checked around with a few of the women a week or so after the event, to see if they could recall. There were giggles and “ummm, well I think it may have been_______”, and each woman had a different answer.
Several months later, I was studying Revelation 2. And there was that rock again!
Revelation 2:17 (NASB)
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.
The word in the original Greek means stone or pebble, rather than a large boulder. It was used as a ticket of admission to an event, or for a jury to cast a ballot or verdict. Generally, those found guilty were given black stones, and those acquitted were given white stones.
What a beautiful picture of what awaits us as overcomers and followers of Jesus Christ: An admission ticket to heaven, and acquitted of all our sins by the blood of Jesus.
Along with that, we’ll have a new name. So, a white stone with our new name written on it. I dug a little deeper, and found this cross reference:
Isaiah 56:5 (NASB)
To them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial,
And a name better than that of sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name which will not be cut off.
A memorial with a name that will last forever. I’m reminded of a headstone on a grave. It marks our time here on earth – our birth date and the date we take our final breath. Our names are forever engraved on the stone.
The white stone we’ll be handed in heaven will be a memorial of sorts. Oh, what a memorial it will be! Inscribed with our new name, and the date “Forever”, it will mark the beginning of the life we have been waiting for, ruling and reigning with Jesus. It will mark the start of the life we were meant to live, since the days of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Yep, a rock. Crazy, huh? But oh, so valuable and full of significance. I don’t think I’ll forget this time!
That plain white rock is our ticket to eternity!
Grace be with you,
This blog was originally published May 2016.
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Love this!’
Thank you friend!
Thank you, Ellen. I remember studying this chapter of Revelation in your Sunday School class several years ago.
Yes! I loved the white stone as our tickets to paradise!
Thank you for this insight, Ellen!
You are welcome!