Do you ever get “songs in the night1” and wake up with the tune and lyrics stuck in your head? Me, too!
It happened the other day. I wish it would have been Mandisa’s “Shackles”, Mercy Me’s “Shake” or Big Daddy Weave. BUT NO-O-O-O-O-O. It was Bette Middler. Bette Middler?!? Where did that come from? I know this will anger some people, but I am very thankful that it wasn’t “The Rose” rolling around in my brain!
The music that kept playing was “From a Distance.” Over and over it played in my head, like a jukebox stuck on B17! Ohhhhh, the insanity!
God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us, from a distance …
God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us, from a distance …
To stop the music, I started thinking about the words. God is watching from a distance. WRONG (imagine needle scratching vinyl record here). Our God wants a relationship with each of us. He is a personal God!
He walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” Genesis 3:8
God made them clothes from animal skins: “And the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21
The Psalms 2tell us He doesn’t sleep while He watches over us, and He guards us when we leave and when we return. God keeps track of our sorrows, and bottles up our tears. Pretty hard to do from a distance.
Jesus felt someone touch His cloak. It was a woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve years. He didn’t ignore her and continue walking. He stopped. He SAW her. He healed her3. Right then, right there. Not from a distance (although He could have done that too!).
Jesus wept at Lazarus’ grave4. He loved Lazarus. He wasn’t aloof with Lazarus, Mary or Martha. He had a relationship with them. That is what He wants with each of us.
The only time God feels distant, is when we hold Him at arms length, pushing Him away. Stiff-arming Him, if you will.
There was a long season in my life when I held God at a distance. But He was relentless. He wouldn’t let me go too far. He drew me back. And, like the prodigal son’s father5, even when I was still a long way off, He ran to meet me. That bears repeating:
When I was far away, He ran to meet me.
Have you drifted away from Jesus? Turn back to Him; He will welcome you with open arms!
Oh Lord! How thankful I am that You are an intimate God! You love us with an everlasting love. You see us, and You know us – up close and personal. You don’t watch from a distance. You draw us back to You. Thank You!
Originally published 3/29/14 as “Songs in the Night”
1 “But no one says ‘Where is God my Maker, Who gives songs in the night.’” Job 35:10
2 Psalm 121: 3-4, 8; Psalm 56:8
3 Mark 5:25-34
4 John 11:35; John 11:3
5 Luke 15:11-32
Wow Ellen….this is such a great, truthful thought!
It brought tears to my eyes thinking about all the times I’ve felt scared, alone and overlooked when God was present me.
This is definitely something to be thankful for this season.
Thanks bunches!
Smiles, BRC
Oh, yes! I’m so thankful He is always present with us!!