Today’s reading: Luke 1:18-19, 26-30
In the story of Jesus’ birth, the angel Gabriel bursts into the lives of two ordinary people: Zechariah and Mary. He had earth-shattering news for both of them:
Zechariah would become a father in his old age. His son John would prepare the way for the Lord.
Mary would become mother to the Messiah, even though she was a virgin.
This news was enough to change the course of Zechariah and Mary’s lives. But how can the things Gabriel said change the way we anticipate Christ’s birth? It’s simple, really.
Gabriel tells both Zechariah and Mary “Do not be afraid” (vv 13, 30). Fear may grip you during this season. Perhaps this is your first Christmas without a loved one. Maybe you can’t imagine how you will purchase simple gifts for your children or family. Maybe, you just can’t muster up the joy that should envelope you at Christmas. Don’t be afraid. Have no fear. Fear not.
Stand in the presence of God.
“Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was He who sent me to bring you this good news!” Luke 1:19 (NLT)
Gabriel stands in the presence of God. As we approach the birth of our Savior, finding time to stand in His presence may seem impossible. But spending time with God is the only way to find joy and peace during this busy season.
Our time with Jesus doesn’t have to be only first in the morning, as we begin our day.
We can take God’s presence with us throughout the day.
When God’s presence goes with us, we will find rest (Exodus 33:14). And everybody can use a little rest during Christmas, amen?
Points to ponder:
*Take God’s Word (and his presence) with you during the day. Memorize a favorite verse. Repeat it often during the day.
*Give the gift of God’s Word. Buy a small gift Bible and give it anonymously.Standing in the presence of God
Especially this year we need reminding. Great article Ellen.
Thanks so much, Jan! And thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet 🙂
Beautifful! Thanks for the help refocusing at this most blessed time of year.
Awww, thanks friend! Continuing to lift you in prayer!