Today’s reading: Luke 2:41-46
Every year I wait for it.
A family down the road decorates their yard for Christmas each year. Every year, they display the larger-than-life wise men, camels, shepherd boy, and lambs, all outlined in bright lights.
But they don’t have THE lamb.
Every year I wait for them to place baby Jesus in the scene. To complete the picture with the One who completes us.
Maybe they are waiting until Christmas Day?
But no.
They have forgotten Jesus.
Don’t forget Jesus.
Mary and Joseph forgot Him. Oh, it wasn’t on purpose. They were traveling home with a caravan of relatives, after celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem. They thought Jesus was with them, assuming He was probably with a cousin or an uncle. After all, it was a large extended family. Surely someone was watching out for Him, weren’t they?
They thought they had Jesus.
But they didn’t.
He got lost in the shuffle. Left behind in the hustle and bustle of packing a crowd of people to go home.
“And when they failed to find Him, they went back to Jerusalem, looking for Him [up and down] all the way.” Luke 2:45 (AMP)
This year, don’t let Jesus get lost in the shuffle.
Don’t leave Him behind, because of a busy schedule.
After all, He is the One we are waiting for, longing for, hoping for. Jesus is the fulfillment of all our hopes.
Even though the place and the circumstance in which Jesus was born was not ideal, his mother Mary found clothes and wrapped Him tightly. She didn’t forget to care for Him.
The shepherds didn’t forget to tell others about the One they had seen.
The wise men didn’t forget to worship the One they found.
Joseph didn’t forget all the angel had told him to do, in anticipation of this Special Child.
Simeon didn’t forget to look. He knew he could depart this earth and go home, because he had seen the Consolation of Israel.
Don’t forget Jesus. He is Christmas.
Points to Ponder:
*Don’t forget Jesus. Read the story of His birth in the gospel of Luke while your family is gathered and before gifts are opened.
*Before your day begins, plan to spend some quiet time alone in God’s Word. Just you and Jesus. Ponder His birth. Fill your heart with the joy of the Lord.
Thanks Ellen! So special and touching as usual! Love you and Jesus ❤️⛪️