We’ve been studying contentment this Thanksgiving month. The apostle Paul has given some wonderful advice on being content in Philippians 4. But…
What happens…
- When the music ends…
- When the habit is forgotten…
- When the pressures of the season overwhelm me…
- When the sandpaper people scratch me…
- When I’m not sitting still at His feet…
- When I don’t think I will ever get this Christian living right…
- When I can’t make myself content even with all these lessons?
That, my friends, is when we need to remember Paul’s secret to being content: I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). Above all else, remember this.
All things: We are ready to face anything.
Through Christ: as believers, we have Christ in us (Galatians 2:20) and resurrection power available to us (Ephesians 1:19-20). That resurrection power enables us to say no to sin and discontent, and yes to God!
Who strengthens me: We are self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency (Philippians 4:13 AMP). Our strength comes not from our own trying or striving, but from Christ alone. We wholly depend on Him for all our spiritual power.
The more time we spend in God’s word, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we want to be like Him.
I watched my granddaughter demonstrate this so innocently one night. She was about six at the time. That night, there happened to be an “older” boy visiting. He was eight. Brooke had her young eye on him. She watched him drink milk, and suddenly she wanted some. He sat on the swing, and before we could blink, she was next to him. She kinda liked him, and wanted to do what he did.
Same premise here. We want to be more like Christ. We want to dig deep into His power, and be content in all situations. We want the peace that surpasses all understanding. So we’re gonna follow Him around (in scripture) and get to know Him.
And when we do, our contentment becomes more than just singing praises when we’re down. It becomes more than just a habit to be practiced on auto-pilot. It becomes a new way of life for us!
Grace be with you,
Love those last three paragraphs! Great analogy! ❤️❤️❤️