The world is changing right before our eyes. Suddenly, what was once normal and ordinary has become abnormal and extraordinary.
Change changes me. I don’t handle it very well. It throws me out of the comfort zone I love. My normal, every day routine is a mess. All this change? Frazzles me. I don’t know which way is up.
Before all this, I could go to the grocery store, and not worry too much if there were no sanitizing wipes for the cart. Now? Never! Before, we could walk into our church services, shake hands and hug on our church family. Now? Online services. Social distancing.
While I totally get why we must do these things, such drastic changes in so short a period of time leave my head spinning. There is no time to process it all. I’m off balance and feel like I’m drowning. My head’s going under with the waves of change, and I can’t get my footing.
Until I feel it: my toes on the tip of a rock formation; My feet standing firm on solid footing. The solid rock of Christ, holding me up.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.1
Yes, the world around me is shifting and changing, but God. He never changes.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 (CSB)
Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages). Hebrews 13:8 (AMPC)
God does not change.
He is still faithful.
He is still in control.
This pandemic did not take Him by surprise. While the world and things of the world may shift, our God never changes. Our foundation is Jesus Christ.
Shadows from the sun shift, but not the One who made the sun!2
Knowing that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, helps me to rest more firmly in Him. Peace washes over me, because I know He will never leave me. You can be filled with calm and tranquility, too, when you stand on the firm foundation of Christ.
Let me ask:
- Are you standing on the solid truth of His Word?
- Are you standing on the solid rock of prayer? Are you standing in the gap by praying for others?
- As much as possible in these times, are you standing (virtually or in real life) with your local body of Christ?
Waves of change are crashing all around us. Are you standing on the solid rock of Jesus?
Almighty God, Everlasting Father, we turn our eyes to You today. Our focus is not on our ever changing circumstances, but on You, our unchanging source of strength and courage, our foundation. We praise You Lord God, that You are sovereign and in control. In the mighty name of Jesus, our rock, we pray, Amen.
Grace be with you,
1 “The Solid Rock,” Mote, Edward 1834
2 Blue, J. R. (1985). James. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 822). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
Thank you for putting my feelings into words and for the positive encouragement of this blog post! Love you, my friend! ♥️
Awwww, thank you! Love you too!
I needed this today . I work in a huge medical clinic. All this crazy at work then see the grocery stores just adds to the crazy . I did finally toilet paper and potatoes !!! I seem to be praying all day long now…. every corner I turn I pray… I pass someone in the hall I pray …. I don’t panic I know God is in control …it is very tiring…. thank you Ellen for a positive in my day!!!
I’m so glad it ministered to you. Yes indeed, all this crazy IS very tiring!! I think you’re on the right path – praying every step of the way! I can’t even imagine working in the medical industry today. I’ll be praying for your safety and protection! Love you, friend!
SO thankful for our Solid Rock! Bless you, Ellen and thank you for this encouragement.
Thank YOU friend for your kind words and encouragement (and the sweet pix of your pup you share on FB) 🙂
Just when I wanted to pause and take a breath, change perspective and find encouragement, your email shows up in my inbox.
This was the solid reminder I needed today right in the middle of insecurity and uncertainty.
Thank you for pausing and sharing Ellen. We will weather this storm together with Him.
Prayers for everyone, everywhere…
Smiles, BRC
Amen, Beth, yes we surely will weather this storm, feet firmly planted on the firm foundation of Christ!