It’s all about balance. That’s what I learned from my eleven year old grandson. I can hear the doubt in your thoughts: Eleven years old and he’s teaching YOU, a wise sixty-one year old, about balance??
Well, I may be a wise older woman, but this young kid taught me a thing or two.
“Granny, will you go walk around the block, so I can go with you and ride my hoverboard?”
My first thoughts were “No, even though it’s winter, it feels like 100 degrees outside, and it’s humid. No, this Granny doesn’t do exercise. No, let’s just sit and visit.”
But that sweet, innocent face! I was honored that he wanted to walk with me. Well, I walked, he hovered. We had a lovely visit. I knew all too soon he would scoff at the thought of walking with his Granny! And I learned a lot from him!
It wasn’t his words that taught me. It was the hoverboard. Or, what I would call a skateboard on steroids!
I watched as he delicately balanced himself. He leaned forward ever so slightly to move ahead. To stay in step with me, he leaned back just a little; and to turn, all it took was a small lean to the right or left. Balance. It was all about balance.
When he leaned too far forward, he would rush full speed ahead and fall off. When he leaned too far back, he would come to a dead stop, lagging behind on our walk. And he would zoom around in furious circles when he leaned too far left or right.
I feel like I have been running in circles lately. Is my balance off?
One recent decision, I completely ran ahead of God. It was obvious I should have said “no” and instead I said “yes.” FOMO. Fear of missing out, which also caused a face plant in the concrete from rushing ahead too fast.
And those times Holy Spirit keeps tapping me on the shoulder to do this ONE thing? This one VERY HARD thing? Well, that’s me lagging behind Him. Dragging my feet. Screaming in my head like a three year old, “Noooo, I don’t want to!”
Are you out of balance, too?
Let’s begin this new year and decade walking humbly in step with the Lord (Micah 6:8). Will you listen when He calls you to the path He wants you to follow?
“Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21 NASB
Jesus, I pray that 2020 will be our year of clarity in following You! As You guide us to the right or to the left, let us be led by You, and not our own desires. Open our ears to hear Your voice calling “This is the way, follow Me!” Amen!
Yay for grannies on hoverboards!
And, for 2020 being more in balance than 2019!
Praying with you.
Smiles, BRC
Thank you Beth! Praying your new year propels your forward in your writing dreams!!
My grandson has a hoverboard … I don’t understand how he rides it so easily….balance is a strange thing…. I pray for in my spiritual life and work…. it’s hard sometimes ….
It is indeed hard! But we have Holy Spirit power, and His enabling grace to help us! Love you Cindy Beth!
Amen, praying for a year of the Lord directing our paths, and us being obedient 🙏⛪️❤️
Praying in agreement with you, sis!!