For the next three weeks I will be celebrating five years of writing and blogging! Five years. Only God has kept me persevering this long!
I love to celebrate this anniversary by introducing friends I’ve met along the way. This week, Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares with us.
I met Michelle about three years ago. Let me tell you, she is a little spitfire! I am 5’1”, and I feel like a giant next to her! Michelle has a passion for sharing the HOPE of Jesus Christ with others. She is the author of “Hope Prevails: Insights From A Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression” as well as the companion Bible study.
Be sure to check out the links below, and follow Michelle on social media. I’m sure there will be MORE books coming our way, from this beautiful woman of God.
Thank you Dr. B! I love you!
“Mom, Coach said I have to be registered for an athletics class first period if I want to be on the team. What am I going to do?”
I received this text from my son on the first day of school. I stood there reading his words, shaking my head.
Several months earlier when all the students registered for their classes for the next school year, I had advised him to check with his guidance counselor and the coach to find out the rules and regulations. I explained, “We’re trying to save you from pain down the road.”
Sadly, he refused to listen, went on his own assumptions, then suffered the consequences on the first day of school when he either had to quit the team, or have his entire schedule rearranged to accommodate the rule.
As my husband and I problem solved this with him, and discussed the scenario, I felt equal parts frustration and pain. I felt frustration because I had tried to save him from such a mishap but he willfully chose not to listen. I also felt his pain because rearranging his schedule meant there were other classes he wanted that he would no longer be able to take because they were filled during the class periods he now had available. A hard lesson for sure.
As I sat and prayed over him and for him, I felt the nudging in my heart.
“You do that too,” the Lord whispered.
“I do? Do what?”
“Yes, you tell me what you want or need or think, and run off ahead assuming you know what is best for you, but sometimes fail to listen long enough to hear my answer.”
My heart was grieved because I knew He was right. My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for a future and a hope.” And yet, I will never know His plans for me if I don’t take time to slow down and listen to His heart, and inquire of His guidance.
Sometimes my prayers are more of a one-way session of lament, than a two way conversation, equally focused on hearing what He wants me to know as I am with sharing my concerns.
Proverbs 1:5 gives us every reason to make listening a higher priority than assuming or doing: “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.”
Desire wisdom? Listen.
Don’t want to be a fool? Listen.
Want to know what to do? Listen.
Need discernment? Seek guidance and listen to that which is offered.
It’s a cliché, but God gave us two ears but only one mouth for a reason. We might all benefit from taking more time to listen to the heart and the desires of our Heavenly Father. He never withholds good from His children, but He never forces us to stay in His presence and listen either. We get to choose. Wisdom says listening is profitable for all good things.
May I pray for you?
Heavenly Father, I pray for the one reading these words right now. I pray that you would help them be still and listen to all you have to say. We want to be wise, and that comes from seeking out your heart and your desires for us. Help us to be children who listen and obey. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.
Because of Him, #HopePrevails
BIO: Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, and the author of the bestselling, award winning “Hope Prevails: Insights From A Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression” and the newly released companion “Hope Prevails Bible Study.” She has been a neuropsychologist for more than twenty years, and is now in private practice in Southlake, Texas where she evaluates, diagnoses, and treats children and adults with a variety of medical and mental health disorders. This doctor knows pain and despair firsthand and combines her professional expertise and personal experience with her faith to address her patients’ issues, both for those who suffer and the ones who care for them.
Using sound practical tools, she affirms worth and encourages faith. Dr. Bengtson offers hope as a key to unlock joy and relief—even in the middle of the storm. She and her husband of thirty years have two teenage sons and reside in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. She blogs regularly on her own site: http://www.DrMichelleBengtson.
For more hope, stay connected with me at:
Twitter: (@DrMBengtson)
To order Hope Prevails from Amazon:
To order Hope Prevails Bible Study from Amazon:
Yep, my friend Michelle, that’s sounds like me, “running off ahead”. How many times has God had to do for me as you did for your son – sit me down and counsel me on how I got in a pickle.
Thanks, Ellen, for sharing Dr B with us!
We love Dr. B! And I think we’ve all been there a time or two…