So, I’m probably a little tardy to the party, but – after much thought and prayer – I have decided on my One Word for 2018.
It seems like everybody in the blogging world has posted their goals and their One Word for the year. Well, I’m not everybody, which I am beginning to realize! I have a few notes about what I’d like to accomplish this year, but they aren’t finalized yet. And it’s mid-January. But, as Lara Casey said there is nothing magical about January 1. Not sure about y’all, but that’s a big ol’ “Praise God” from me because I’m SO slow.
As most of you may know, I had a lot of changes going on at the end of 2017. Some of the changes caused a lot of sorrow. Some I’m just not too thrilled about. I’ve been trying to adjust to all my new normals.
One day, as I was walking into work, I realized I was fussing at myself. Not out loud, by the way!
“Don’t scowl. Don’t be scowling when you walk through that door!”
I just can’t walk through life with a mean ol’ look on my face. I just can’t be that woman, especially as I near sixty years old (that’s a whole ‘nother story, coming soon).

Oh! Off track! Back to my word: JOY.
I prayed about it, waited and listened, and I believe the word God has given me for 2018 (or at least the first season of 2018) is JOY.
At first I thought it may be Abide, from John 15:5. The only thing is, every time I read the passage, verse eleven kept stopping me.
“I have spoken these things to you so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete…” John 15:11 (HCSB)
I need the joy of Jesus in me, don’t you? I need His joy, so that my joy may be full or complete. I had to know more!
I did a quick online search, and found this on BibleHub:
#5479 xará (another feminine noun from the root xar-, “extend favor, lean towards, be favorably disposed”) – properly, the awareness (of God’s) grace, favor; joy (“grace recognized”), xará (“joy because of grace“)
I can be aware of God’s grace in my life, and have joy because of it. I won’t have joy in all circumstances. To be totally honest, I flat out won’t be happy about some of them. But I can rejoice, because of God’s grace gift to me.
No matter what my circumstances, I have salvation, this gift given to me through my faith in Jesus. And the grace of God poured out on me, enables me to walk through any circumstance in His strength, not my own. With joy.
Yep, 2018: Year of Joy!
How about you? Have you prayed about having a “One Word” focus this year? I’d love to hear about it! Please share in the comments.
Grace be with you,
Joy is my word also! I’m doing a Pure Joy Bible Reading Plan through Rachel Wojo! Loving it!
YAY Jamie! That Bible reading plan sounds awesome – I love me some Rachel Wojo!!
JOY is like my life word! Love it!!! May God fill you with His everlasting joy in 2018 and for eternity! XO
And you too, sweet friend!
Joy is such a great word to hold on to. I know I need more joy in my life. Blessings for a beautiful week.
Thank you Barbie! Yes, it’s a lovely word. I’m memorizing Isaiah 35:10 and it says the redeemed of the Lord will return to Zion with singing and UNENDING JOY. Unending. Absolutely. In Christ! Thanks for visiting!
yes 2020 is our year of joy as a ministry
Amen Sandile! Praying your year and your ministry are filled with joy!