Well, it’s true what they say, you can’t teach an old dawg new tricks – especially if that old dog is a 59 year old woman very set in her ways. A creature of habit. Yep, me. I’m the old dog.
I have been struggling with this change lately. My office has moved from the country to the city after 16 years. My commute has DOUBLED. I get home after dark every night. And I find it difficult in the evenings to get the things I’ve normally gotten done, done!
My weekends are full doing things I usually do during the week.
My writing has been non-existent.
So, I just wanted to let you know what’s happening during this season. Although I love to write, and love to blog, I just can’t seem to get a blog post done. Until I can get a grip on this new normal, my posts will be sporadic at best. I really hate to admit it, but that’s just where I’m at right now. I do hope you understand.
Please don’t give up on me. I’m determined to make this work some how some way. Hopefully, I will adjust quickly and soon my words will be overflowing.
I would appreciate your prayers during this time. Since I am the proverbial old dawg, new tricks and lots of changes just don’t sit too well with me!
And if by chance I don’t make it back here during this next month, I pray that you all have a very merry and blessed Christmas!
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)
Grace be with you,
Praying for you, Ellen. And I certainly can relate. God has me in a season of almost non-writing. But that isn’t to say He has me stagnant! I know that this season is preparing us both for future writing that we couldn’t have written without it!
Amen, Sabra! This waiting season is a season of preparation! I am asking Him “What do You want me to learn, Lord?” No doubt He will teach me so very much!!!
I’m only writing once a week for my link up (as I have been for a while). I will be revamping my blog and hopefully after the first of the year be writing a little more. Will be praying for you!
Oh, Barbie! Once a week is awesome! Can’t wait to see your blog revamp! And I confess, I didn’t know you still did the link up. I’ll have to check it out!