I watched the leaves fall today. It was a beautiful thing to see them twirling and dancing from the tip tops of the tallest trees, all the way down to the green grass. Yes, green. Even though the calendar says it’s Fall, and there are pictures of colorful foliage all over Facebook, here in south Louisiana we’ve yet to see the leaves change.
Fall is rather sudden down here. One day it’s hot, the next it’s cold. Our leaves are green, then brown, then they fall. No gradual turning from green to golden yellow, to crimson or orange. Green, brown and down.
That’s kinda like what’s going on in my life right now. Lots of change. Sudden change. I don’t like that.
If you were a fly on the wall, watching me trying to navigate this change, you’d probably think “Oooh, that girl does NOT like change of any kind!” By all appearances, that’s what it looks like. But it isn’t the change so much as the way it’s happening. Really fast. Like south Louisiana changing from summer to fall. Overnight. No chance to get the cold weather clothes fluffed and puffed.
I’ve not been able to process all that is happening. You know, mull things over. Abrupt changes throw me. I want to know the why’s and the how’s and then make a plan. At the rate life is speeding by, I have purposed to be more slow and intentional. No so, with this change. Green, brown and down.
And do you know the one thing I want most during this change? My mama.
Mama would listen while I talked it all out with her. She would understand. I can hear her now: “Darlin’ I sure hate that for you!” Mama was my safe, comfortable place.
Many times in the midst of changes and upheavals of life, our first instinct is to revert to what we know best. Our comfort zone. The place we feel safe.
[tweetthis]We look back fondly to what was, instead of looking forward to what could be.[/tweetthis]
We’re not alone in this. The Israelites were the same way. When God was leading them out of Egypt, after 400 years of slavery, He didn’t take them the shortest route toward the Promised Land. God led them the long way around.
‘Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, “The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.”’ Exodus 13:17
You see, He knows our hearts, our fears and our fight or flight tendencies. He knows us better than we know ourselves. God knows our first instinct: go back to what we know, something or some place safe.
Knowing this, He takes us the long way around. No green, brown and down for God! He’s going to lead us through seasons of change. And if we will just yield, and follow Him, we’ll be able to watch the leaves slowly turn: green, yellow, crimson, orange.
Grace be with you,
So proud of you Ellen! You are handling change better than you think, because God keeps giving you opportunities to proclaim His name through it. I love ya and miss you so much! In His Service, Rayelyn
Oh, how I miss you too!!! And my little piddly change is NOTHING compared to the change you just made! Shine His light, girl! Shine His light! I love you!
Love this. Glad to be a part of your change.☺️
And I am OH SO GLAD to have you! Thanks for stopping by!
I can SO relate to this! Ellen, sometimes I read your posts and think, “Ellen and I are sure cut from the same cloth!” This week in class, I rearranged the desks so the kids could work in groups. One little boy came in and just about threw a fit. He said, “I hate change!!” I could understand his feelings:) Change throws me for a loop. I like my comfort zone. <3 Thanks for the reminder today that we need to be open to growing in God, even if that means change. Love ya!
Oh, bless his heart! And yes, we are a lot alike! I knew when I read your book Over It!! I recognized myself in SO much that you said 🙂 Love you friend!