Winding down the month long celebration of four years blogging, I thought I would share my favorite posts with you, and what they have meant to me. This final stroll down memory lane (until next year, that is) reminded me again how thankful I am that the Lord has called me to write. I have met so many great friends, had so many opportunities, and been the first to know about wonderful new books, that it seems like picking favorites of my own blog would somehow end us on a low note.
When I began considering which are my best loved posts, I realized it’s the ones that tell a story – my story, God’s story. Stories of growth and faith. Stories of His faithfulness in my life. And, I hope, stories that encourage you and make you smile!
One of the first posts that I published is called Faith Walk. It’s a favorite, because I laughed and laughed when I wrote it, remembering the story. But the hard truth at the core of this story is that sometimes, you have to stand on the edge of the cliff of obedience to see God’s beautiful picture of love and faithfulness. I hope you enjoy reading this again!
Blogging enabled me to “write through” the death of my mom. In May of 2011, Mama suffered a stroke, and passed away two months later. To be honest, I never felt God during those two months. I knew He was there, because I believe the truth of His word (we have Christ in us; He will never leave us). But I couldn’t FEEL Him. Of course, our feelings are so wishy washy, amen?
When I wrote the post Grace, Grace, God’s Grace, I saw for the first time that God had been right there with me. He was there in the hands of the cashier who gave me a wad of paper towels to dry my tears. He was there in the strength I had to make hard decisions, and to sit with my mom, knowing she may die at any moment. He was there. Perhaps mountain top experiences aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Maybe still, small kindnesses shown, and strengths gained are what we need to look for when we’re looking for Jesus in in our everyday. Maybe, instead of drowning in our circumstances, we need to see when we’re flooded with His grace.
Sometimes true bravery is in admitting our weakness, and in letting go. Read about this lesson I learned from a lizard (Yes, a lizard) in When We Are Weak. This little fella taught me we can free fall right into the powerful arms of Jesus. Amazing the lessons we learn from nature!
It’s funny how silences bother us. But not so funny when that silence is God, during our quiet times. Here’s a different slant on those silences in Is Your Quiet Time…Quiet? Perhaps the reason we don’t hear God talking, is that He trusts us. Yep, that’s what I said. Hop over and read the post. I think you will like it!
Finally, from this year, I had a bad cast of The Don’t Wants and Can’t Help Its, and I was led to be still and listen. I found that when my words quieted, I could hear His more clearly. I hope you enjoy it.
Y’all, really, there were so many more posts that I enjoyed writing: All the anniversary posts, celebrating mine and John’s marriage, many of the Christmas posts. But you know, I have to draw the line somewhere!
I pray these posts have blessed you, encouraged you to soak in God’s Word and helped you sprout seeds of faith! I thank you, that you take the time to read the stuff God lays on my heart. Thank you for allowing me into your inbox!
It amazes me that I don’t “have to” do this, I “get to” and I am so thankful to God for that.
Grace be with you,
Congratulations on four years of blogging. The best is yet to come.
And the new look of your blog is wonderful. Well done.
Ah, sweet Boma! It has been such a pleasure getting to know you through the years! And all because of following God’s call to write! Thank you, friend!