This week my guest is Boma Somiari. We met several years back when Boma contacted me and asked if I would like to write an article for The Message magazine, a study publication for Christians. In Nigeria! What an honor to write for sisters in Christ half way across the world! It amazes me how the Lord works. I think you will enjoy her Christmas perspectives:
I can believe God for everything.
It had never been in doubt; I had never second guessed this truth – until recently, that is.
“Who do you think you are?” It was the accuser of the brethren, “All you have received from God was only by grace, so how can you keep believing like that?”
There was that half truth that wasn’t very easy to spot until God’s Word shined the light that dispelled the darkness that had a mind to overwhelm me.
It’s true, all I have received from God, I have received by grace, but to ask who I think I am? Now that’s crossing boundaries and stepping beyond borders (and not in a good way, I must add!), and the accuser just needs to shut up because I know who I am!
I am set apart by God for Himself.
And how can I keep believing like that?
Really, you only have to look around this season, to remember.
There’s still that boy who keeps sneaking into his parent’s room when they’re not around, to try on the coat they got him for Christmas in August. Of course he’s still not grown into it yet (because it was at least three sizes too large to begin with), but no, it’s still going to be a very merry Christmas in this oversized coat and hand-me-down canvas he’d have to take off at some point because they’d be killing his feet after visiting three uncles (with two more and three aunts to go!)
And shame on those shoes, and the rainbow coloured glasses that’d make it difficult for him to see clearly sometimes (No, he won’t take the glasses off, like, it’s Christmas for crying out loud!). As for that coat, he’d conquer it next year – or maybe the year after that – at some point he’d have to grow into it. Eventually, if not now! And yes, it’s still going to be a very merry Christmas in the meantime.
How can I keep believing like that?
Please consider the faith of this boy and remember truth again!
Or even the faith of this other girl.
Just the thought of Christmas is able to make the blues go away – and it works every time – even in July! By August she’s singing carols and getting ready for Christmas and the New Year. Around here it’s out with the old, in with the new (at least it’s supposed to be). Except it’s still August, and all the grownups seem really busy these days. It doesn’t matter very much to this girl though. It’s almost Christmas – Jesus’ birthday – and what if she has to wait a while longer! It’d be Christmas before she knows it! Rest assured, it coming – like, most assuredly, come what may! And it’d be hard to wait till morning on that day. It always is on Jesus’ birthday.
How can I keep believing like that?
I remember.
We used to be like that boy and that girl. It was always the same:
Go to Church. Visit relatives and friends. Come home either sick from all that eating, or too excited to notice! But it was always, always a merry Christmas, and by the end of the day, we were usually already looking forward to next year’s Christmas, with plans already in place.
Did these plans always turn out like we thought they would? Not really.
But did we turn out ok? We’re still here, and still believing.
So how can I not keep believing?
I am a child of God. I am set apart for Him. I have received the grace and the Spirit to call Him Father. And my Father takes care of me.
So really, how can I not keep believing like a child?!
Boma’s writing has appeared in various publications including The Message, a study magazine for Christians. She has also been involved in preparing Bible study materials for children.
She believes life is a gift, and we have a duty to be responsible with this gift we’ve been blessed with.
Her other interests include music, cooking, and crafts.
She blogs at
Grace be with you,
Lovely! I used to be that boy and that girl too 😉
What happened to us??? Ahh
Who knows!?!
Me, too, Elizabeth! What happened indeed? We need to find the child inside and celebrate with the joy of a child, not the anxiety of an adult! Thanks for visiting!