Things were critical. I HAD to go. I was literally about to pee in my pants. All because I didn’t want to get out of my comfort zone…
I’m not much of a world traveler.
Matter of fact only recently have I begun driving outside of my two home states of Louisiana and Mississippi to go to Dallas for a visit with writer friends. My goodness! ALL those lanes of traffic! That is not what I’m used to! Give me just two lanes of leisurely moving traffic and I’m good. Driving in Dallas is a bit out of my comfort zone.
But when I really, really get out of my comfort zone is flying. I figure if God had wanted me to fly, He would have given me wings.
A few years back, John and I flew out to Utah. In the course of the flight, I realized I had to go to the restroom. However, I was NOT going to leave the safety of my seat. You know, the seat with the seat belt, flotation device, oxygen mask and all. There was no way I was going to walk down the aisle of the plane while it was tens of thousands of feet in the air. No sir. I was going to stay where I was strapped in, with all my safety equipment.
But it got to the point that I had to go. I couldn’t wait any longer, and we had another hour or so left in the flight. I put on my big girl panties and made the walk down the long aisle to the tiny bathroom cubicle. I stuck my hand inside, running it up and down the wall to find the light switch. It wasn’t there. I was befuddled. Surely there has to be a light switch!
I stepped into the little cubby hole, felt around some more, and still no switch. I wasn’t sure quite what to do! I closed the door half way, but it was pitch black inside. I thought “Surely I will pee all over myself if I try to sit here and maneuver in the dark.” I opened the door and looked again for a light switch – nothing. Finally, things became critical. I had to make a decision. I slammed the door shut, and lo and behold, THE LIGHT CAME ON! It was a miracle! A miracle I tell you!
That’s what it’s like to walk in faith.
I can see your eyes rolling now saying “Going to pee on an airplane is like walking in faith?”
Why yes, yes it is.
You see, you have to decide to take that first step. Even when you get to the dark places, when you can’t see the next step or your hand in front of you, you have to slam the door on doubt and fear, believing that the light of Christ will guide you.
That trip to the bathroom on the airplane? That was the vacation I actually stood at the edge of a cliff. I don’t do things like that. So you see, my friend, tiny steps of faith lead to bigger leaps of faith.
[tweetthis]Let faith be your flashlight![/tweetthis]
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NASB)
Grace be with you,
Girl, I could just see you squirming! Comfort zones are so comfy.
HAHA! You know I don’t like to move away from my safety zone!! Thanks for visiting friend!
I truly needed your words of encouragement today! I feel like I’m standing on the “ledge” about to take that leap of faith but I’m hesitating… You see, it’ll take me out of my comfort zone and let’s face it, it’s comfortable there!!! However, I keep hearing the familiar phrase that “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten” running through my head! It began last spring and I can’t seem to shake it. So, I need to change things up this school year. I’m going back to a true and tested method that I’ve used in the past, plus adding a couple extra approaches to teaching a foreign language! It would be so much easier to stick to my old ways but I need to try something new. Doing so will require that I trust God and just DO it, knowing that He will guide me along the way 😃
Thanks for the visual illustrations you provide in your blog. God is using you to reach people in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine and doing so in such a fashion that it is no doubt that it is Him speaking! I’m excited to see what He will do this next school year as I begin this new adventure ❤️
Deb, it’s kinda like the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Keep me posted on how your change-up is going!
Thank you for sharing this, Ellen. I just had a conversation earlier this week with a friend who really struggles with fear. It’s such a tool of the enemy to keep us paralyzed.
Oh, yes, Lyli! The enemy is so sly to keep us enslaved to fear! Please hug your friend for me 🙂