And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you…” 2 Corinthians 12:9
Look at this! I need it. It would really help me. Oooh, look, if I had that I’d be set!
If I had the confidence (or brains, looks, opportunities, money, time, health) that she/he has, I could do so much. If I had this ONE thing. THE thing that would make life easier and better, I could soar like an eagle!
Imagine now if I had all that. The danger would be that I would think I was all that. Puffed up with pride, I would be walking around confident in my own strength and abilities. I would be “Miss Thang” in all her glory. I wouldn’t need help from anyone or anything. I would only need myself.
The apostle Paul had a “thorn in his flesh” that was so painful he called it a “messenger of Satan.” Scripture doesn’t tell us exactly what the thorn was, but it was a physical pain that caused Paul much distress. If he could just get rid of that one thing he would be healthy, pain free and able to continue his ministry. He begged Jesus three times for it to be removed.
“Please Lord, remove this pain! Please! Please!”
And Jesus simply told him “My grace is sufficient for you…”
What’s your One Thing? The one thing that never seems to come your way. The thing you can’t seem to grasp. What one thing would make the hard days bearable? What would your life be like if you had it? Easier? More productive? Would you be boldly confident in your own abilities?
As followers of Christ, we have the one thing we need. And that is His grace. It is sufficient for all our needs, all our trials and every difficult situation in which we find ourselves.
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines sufficient like this: enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end.
His grace is sufficient to meet all our needs; it is sufficient for every situation; and it is sufficient to carry us through to His proposed outcome. His gracious power overcomes our every weakness.
When you are fearful, His grace will be your courage. When you don’t know, His grace will be your wisdom. When you are weak, His grace is your power. When you think you can’t take one more step, His grace will carry you.
I don’t naturally tend to rely on the grace of Christ, do you? I tend towards stubbornness, independence and self-sufficiency. But I have had trials and thorns in my flesh that bring me to the end of myself. That’s when I remember: His grace is sufficient.
Let’s bury this scriptural truth deep in our hearts and let it whisper to our souls:
His grace is sufficient…His grace is sufficient.
Rest in Jesus, The All Sufficient One. Walk confidently in the grace of Christ, knowing it is all you need.
Until next week,
Joining these lovely writers. Be sure to visit their pages, you’ll be encouraged!
Suzie Eller, Live Free Thursday
Kelly at Purposeful Faith
Holly at Testimony Tuesday
Crystal at Intentionally Pursuing the Heart of God
Winter at Words with Winter
Jennifer at Tell His Story
AMEN! I often forget that all I ever need is Jesus and a big shot of grace. Have a blessed weekend.
Oh yes, Jesus and a super shot of His grace! Thanks so much for dropping in today Barbie!
Ellen, talk about grace…how gracefully poetic are your words: “When you are fearful, His grace will be your courage. When you don’t know, His grace will be your wisdom. When you are weak, His grace is your power. When you think you can’t take one more step, His grace will carry you.” ~ Love that. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. ((Hug))
Brenda, I’m blushing at your kind words! Thank you for your sweet encouragement today – Monday! When I usually need encouragement the most!
I was just singing the song “Enough” this morning. I think God’s trying to tell me something 😉
Oh Amanda, don’t you love when He sends His messages through scripture and song? Or, in my case, He sometimes has to bash me over the head…thanks so much for visiting today!
Thanks, Ellen. On a day when I feel there’s just too much to do, I need the reminder His grace is sufficient.
Tamera – Deep breathe in, deep breathe out. His grace is sufficient for all our to-do lists! Thanks so much for visiting today!
Hi Ellen! I wonder if I have more than that ‘one’ thorn in the flesh!
I think your point about wanting something that might not help you in the end, is a really good one. That kind of insight only comes after experience though, and often it’s painful! I know I have prayed and prayed for specific things, and never got them. Now I see why, but at the time, ugh. I felt so abandoned.
His grace is sufficient. That should be a family motto…
Hello Ceil! How are you? Hmmm, more than one thorn in the flesh. That’s a great point, and I may be right there with you! Be Christ has provided His all sufficient grace for us through the thorn patches.
I love and struggle with this truth: “Imagine now if I had all that. The danger would be that I would think I was all that.” I pray I always look to His grace which is the only thing that is ever truly enough. Thank you, Ellen, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )
Thank you Crystal!
Hello Ellen, it is my first time here.You have a beautiful online home here I must say!
I am really glad to stop over and read.
I am grateful for ‘Grace’, It makes our journey easier and more grace-filled moments makes life worth living.
Thank you for your encouragement here.
Thank you Ifeoma! I’m so glad you visited! I’ve seen you on several of the link-ups, but not had a chance to visit you until yesterday! I look forward to reading more of your beautiful words.