“Sweetheart, they could have thrown you out of this recovery center time and time again, but they haven’t. They see something in you. You need to see in yourself the things that they see in you!”
“I know, Daddy. I’ll try,” she replied, eyes downcast, shoulders sagging.
She saw herself through the eyes of the world: addict, homeless, shamed, worthless. She had a hard time believing that she could be more than, that she could be different.
Over the years, she had found her identity in those “less than” labels. Comfortable, even. But sometimes – no, most times – we need to break out of our comfort zones in order to live free. We need to see ourselves through the eyes of Love, the eyes of Christ.
We need to see in ourselves the things Christ sees in us.
And how does Christ see us?
As His masterpiece, His work of outstanding artistry. God created us individually in His image and it was “very good” (Genesis 1:31).
Have you ever watched an artist at work? A painter, writer, sculptor? A baker, seamstress, gardener? They pour their heart and soul into making something out of nothing. Each creation is birthed with love and is a work of art. Each is valued, because it was created with the artist’s own hands, hours spent getting just the right shade of color here, the correct word there, the exact amount of sugar or spice.
Christ sees a cherished work of art in us.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
As His beloved, His dearly loved. We are precious in His sight, and He loves us with an everlasting love. The love Christ has for us is unconditional, pure agape love. When Christ looks at us, it is not with disappointment or anger, it is with love. We need not stand before Him in shame, but shame-less. Free to be His beloved child.
“We know that God has chosen you, dear brothers, much beloved of God.” 1 Thessalonians 1:4
As a new person. We are more than our pasts, we are more than our mistakes. Our sins are washed clean with the blood of His sacrifice (Isaiah 1:18). We have the freedom to become a new creation in Christ Jesus.
It’s difficult sometimes to take that first step to freedom. To turn our backs on the only life we have known for so long. To start over. It’s hard work. But if we belong to Christ, we are a new person, and we have His power available to us.
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 1:19-20
Did you see it? We are NEW! The old life in GONE! And we have HIS power – the power that raised Christ from the dead – available to help us. We don’t have to do this on our own. We have Christ, we have our families, and we have others available to help us become His work of art, His beautiful creation.
[tweetthis]When we see in ourselves the things He sees in us, we can stand shame-less before Him.[/tweetthis]
Hallelujah and amen!
Joining these lovely writers. Be sure to visit their pages, you’ll be encouraged!
Suzie Eller, Live Free Thursday
Bonnie at Faith Barista
Susan at Dance with Jesus
Barbie at The Weekend Brew
Kelly at Purposeful Faith
Holly at Testimony Tuesday
Sue at Life Giving Linkup
Holley at Coffee for Your Heart
Jennifer at Tell His Story
Meredith at Woman 2 Woman Wednesday
Julie says
wow!! This blessed my heart so very much. I am moved to tears. Thank you for the reminder of my “why”
Ellen says
Yes, Julie, if we forget the “why” we tend to give up! God has a plan and a purpose for your life in Him! SO very glad you stopped in today! I wrote this for Dee, and all the beautiful women at Jacob’s Well! Blessings to you today!
Lisa notes says
“We need to see in ourselves the things Christ sees in us.”
Oh, this is such critical advice that we need to take daily. When we look in the mirror only, we miss out on all the treasures that Christ has clothed us in. Thanks, Ellen, for reminding us that there is so much more to see!
Ellen says
Amen, Lisa! There is so much more to see through His eyes! Thanks for visiting today!
Melanie Davis Porter says
Beautiful confessions of faith to help me overcome those weak places – on those dark days. I needed this today friend. Thank you! P.S. – The blog looks beautiful and that’s some darn good writing! Love you!
Ellen says
Oh, my sweet friend Melanie! Thanks so much for visiting! Your encouragement is always such a blessing to me! I love you too! See you in July!
Beth S. says
Oh, this is such wonderful and needed encouragement. So glad I stopped by today. Joining you in your Hallelujah and amen! Blessings.
Ellen says
Hello Beth! Yes, let’s sing the Hallelujah chorus together! We can make a joyful noise! Blessings to you today, sweet writer friend!
Valerie Sisco says
Love the idea that we are a precious and cherished work of art in God’s eyes! It’s hard to believe it sometimes but thank you for reminding me of this truth, friend! 🙂
Ellen says
Ah, Valerie, you remind me of a dear friend of mine, who is an exceptional artist in her home decorating! She told me last night that she wasn’t creative at all – I had to remind her that we are created in the image of The Greatest Artist and Creator of all! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Carmen Horne says
“It’s difficult sometimes to take that first step to freedom. To turn our backs on the only life we have known for so long. To start over. It’s hard work.” Yes! and Amen! It is such hard work to move forward but so worth it. Beautiful post friend!
Ellen says
Oh yes! So very worth it! So thankful that He sees the beauty hidden in each of us! Thank you friend!
Libby @ Beauty Without Within says
Ellen, this is so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this with us. My blog today is on a very similar topic – how we see ourselves. Only through God’s eyes are we able to truly see the new creation in His image. Thanks again. My Highland friend was hoping to get someone to point you out to her. Hopefully you can meet before they head back up to Branson.
Ellen says
Hi Libby! Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate you stopping by! I would love to meet up with you HBC friend! I love how the Lord connects us and makes it a small world, indeed!
Kristine says
Oh Ellen, I feel like doing my victory dance right now after reading this. Woohoo! We are new!
Ellen says
Yes we are! And you are giving me way too much info – don’t you know I’m gonna want to see that victory dance at She Speaks!!
Suzie Eller says
So very powerful.
Ellen says
Thank you Suzie! You’re an awesome teacher 🙂
Jen says
Hi, Ellen! 🙂 I’m stopping by from Tell His Story today. I really appreciate these lovely words, “They pour their heart and soul into making something out of nothing. Each creation is birthed with love and is a work of art.” I hadn’t really thought of the creative process the Father goes through with us. It’s a beautiful idea!
Jen @ Being Confident of This
Ellen says
Thank you so much Jen, for your kind words. I’m so glad you stopped by today!
Gayl says
Ellen, this is such an encouraging reminder of who we are in Christ. We are loved with a love that has no end. What a comforting thought! We have a wonderful, faithful God.
Ellen says
A love that has no end…that’s beautiful Gayl! Thank you for your comments!
Betsy says
Ellen, this brought such peace and joy to my spirit as I read it. Thank you. I LOVE that Ephesians 2:10 verse, and in the NLT, it’s amazing, isn’t it?
Ellen says
Oh Betsy, I love that scripture too! It does bring such peace…
Tarissa Helms says
Ellen, I was really struck by how comfortable we can become with “less than” labels. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of who we are — who I am — in Christ. Like so many others, this provoked a very emotional response in me. I’m on the verge of tears and dancing for joy, all at the same time! Beautifully written!
Ellen says
Hey Tarissa! Yes! The joy dance! Because we are made new in Him! Thank your for your encouraging comments, I appreciate you!
Kristi says
Powerfu. True. Praising His name that the past is the past. Lovely, encouraging post, Ellen.
Ellen says
Amen Kristi! We are not our pasts! Thanks for stopping by!
bluecottonmemory says
Learning to see me as God sees me, and, in the process, seeing my boys as God sees them has helped me be a better encourager. Then learning to pray that they see themselves as God sees them – because there is a point where they have to ask God to show them – just like I had to ask God to show me!
Your post has a message so dear to my heart. I’m glad you shared it!
Ellen says
I’m so glad you stopped by! I find it’s always an encouragement to see true love – through the eyes of our Savior – a love so pure He doesn’t want to leave us as we are. He wants to mold us into His image! Thank you for your comments.
Chris Malkemes says
Yes Oh Yes! We are His masterpiece. The yielded heart knows the Creator Artist is crafting her into His own work. She knows the hurting is the shaping, the burning is the cleansing and the touching is perfect. He is creating the heart shaped to not only fit His hand but this heart beats to the rhythm of His own. Have day and blessings ~ Chris
Ellen says
Beautifully said Chris! Thank you for your lovely comments. Oh so true, the hurting is the shaping! Loved this!
Sue says
This is beautifully written and lived out! Great to connect….
Ellen says
Thank you Sue! Thanks for stopping by!
Kortney says
What a great reminder! We are truly new and transformed in Him. Visiting from #raralinkup!
Ellen says
Yes, we are Kortney! Transformed! Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings to you tonight!
Dolly@Soulstops says
What power we have in Christ to change…we don’t have to live in shame…what freedom…Thank you 🙂
Ellen says
Thank you, Dolly!
Debbie Prater says
His fingerprints are over our lives isn’t it? So thankful He never gives up on us. He has wonderful plans for us and prepares us for those plans.
Ellen says
Yes He does Debbie! Thank you for visiting and your encouraging comment.
Joanne Viola says
Ellen, this is such a beautiful post. I loved how you started off this post. May we be like this parent and encourage others to let God lift their heads & share the truth about what He (and we) see in them. So grateful He gives us a new identity in Him.
Ellen says
Oh, yes, Joanne! Let God lift our heads! What a beautiful thought! Thank you for visiting today!