Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it. I’m sharing some hints on loving your husband. The list is endless, so I’ve narrowed it down to fourteen. You can read the first four here.
Prayer and respect should always be at the top of your list of ways to love your husband. Lift him up in prayer. His spirit needs reviving as much as anyone’s. Ask him how you can pray for him. Then do it. Right then (I’m sorely lacking in the pray for him now category!). Pray for strength as he leads your family. Pray for his spiritual growth. Pray that he would be a man after God’s own heart.
Let’s face it. Guys sometimes don’t think like we do. My sweet husband was concerned about weight I had gained several years back – and rightly so! It was more than I had ever weighed in my life. However, when he was talking with me about it, he used the “O” word – obesity. Now, before you get your feathers in a ruffle, he DID NOT say I was obese. He was just concerned that I was headed in that direction. But, bless his heart, you just don’t use that word when you are talking to a woman about her weight. I don’t think I spoke to him for two days. TWO DAYS. Two days out of our lives that were wasted, because I didn’t have the sense and maturity to forgive him. Ladies, please don’t ever waste precious time away from your husband like I did. Forgive him. “…love keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:5
Make your home a safe haven for you hubby. Make it a peaceful place for him. John travels quite a bit. When he’s gone, I don’t cook, do laundry or dishes. But when he walks through the door, I try to make sure all the mess is picked up (not tonight, I’m writing tonight). Ok, I’m not as good at this as I use to be. I’ve relaxed a lot in my old age. But I do try to be his helpmate. I know he’ll be tired when he comes home, so if necessary I take care of chores that he usually does. Yes, like take the trash out and put a fresh 5 gallon water bottle on the cooler (Heavy!). Make your home a peaceful, loving place. He’ll look forward to arriving at his castle each evening!
Join me next week for four more ways to love your husband!
Linking up today with these lovely writers:
Barbie at The Weekend Brew
Kelly at Purposeful Faith
Holly at Testimony Tuesday
Janis at Sunday Stillness
Holly at Coffee for Your Heart
Thank you Ellen! We can never have enough reminders of how to strengthen a relationship. I love your idea of praying for your spouse-something that is not done enough. Blessed you joined The Weekend Brew.
Thank you, Mary! I’m so glad you stopped by! I find that in praying for my hubby, my attitude changes…hmmm, maybe that’s the whole point!
Blessing to you today!
Such wisdom here, Ellen. I like the one about making your home his castle. What strikes me is that not only should be try to maintain a neat, clean, inviting atmosphere, but also let him have his way on as many things around the house as possible. That is hard for me! I tend to think running the home is MY department, but if it’s his castle, I ought to give in to his wishes when possible. Meal times, where to put that new chair in the living room, etc.
Oh, I’m the same way Betsy! Preaching to myself here! When John comes home from being out of town, he’ll move things around, or run by the grocery for me. Only thing is, he doesn’t buy what “I” would buy, and I somethings move things back to where I wanted them, without thinking about it! I have to stop myself so many times!
Such wisdom here…and it really does make my husband feel loved when I try to pick up…it isn’t one of my strengths, but I try
Dolly, trying counts! Thanks for visiting today!
Thank you for sharing these ideas with us. My favorite is to send a love text or two every day.
Oh I love this idea Stephanie! A love text! Going to steal that one for my hubby! Thanks so much for stopping by! #RaRalinkup!!
more timely goodies for this weekend
Thanks for the encouragement, Ellen!
So good to see you again Kim! Are you heading to She Speaks in July? Hope to see you there!
I can learn a lot from you, Ellen.
Thank you for sharing. There is so much wisdom in this post. And you are right; they certainly don’t think like we do! But they certainly do compliment us and fill in our cracks.
Abby, I love this: They fill our cracks! Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by, sweet friend!
Hi Ellen! What a joy to be here today, and to have met you. Yay!
I enjoyed reading your husband encouragements. I could use them. I broke my leg on 1/1/15 (great way to enter the new year), and had surgery on 1/7. My husband has had to do so much for me, I don’t know how he keeps doing it. I need to thank God more for that. Much more.
I love your writing style, and I totally relate to your struggles to do what you know is good. Who doesn’t struggle? Well, I do!
I look forward to reading more from you
Ceil, I’m so glad you stopped by! I had foot surgery in late 2012 – had to stay off my feet for quite a while! My sweet hubby had to bring my meals and water and EVERYTHING! You’re right: I don’t know how they do it! I am thankful the Lord blessed us both with sweet, caring men! Great to “meet” you also!
Another great post of tips, Ellen! So great leading up to Valentine’s Day! Love you, girl!
Aw, thank you Sabra! Love you too!
I think I have some forgiving and some love noting to do. Thank you for his Ellen. You prompt my heart, much like Jesus, to love more. I love your heart and your encouraging words.
Thank you Kelly! Forgiving is hard at times, but so freeing!
Oh such good reminders. Why do I not do some of these things more! Grrrr
Thanks for your obedience to write all this down for me. I needed it! Oh wait, it wasn’t just for me? <3
HA! Carmen! Actually I wrote it for me: preaching to myself! How easy it is to forget the simple things…