“Go ahead, jump!”
“No mama, I’m scared!”
“Just jump! I’ll be right under you. I promise. When you feel like your wings won’t flap any more, I’ll be there to nudge you along! You can’t stay in the nest forever!” I imagine if I listen carefully, I can hear God’s voice telling me the same thing:
Just jump, no need to be afraid! Don’t let your fear hold you back!
But Lord, I’ll fall.
I’ll catch you!
“Henry! Come out of your shell!”
“No, Mama, there’s big people out there. They’ll hurt me!” Ellen, it’s time for you to trust me, and venture out of the safety of your shell. You’ll never grow, unless you do.
But, Lord, I’m comfortable here. It’s safe.
Ellen, imagine if the butterfly never left the cocoon, or the flower was afraid to bloom!
I’m a fearful person. My husband calls me cautious. Safe. Not a risk taker.
I could write a book about all the fears I’ve had. It would have about 100 chapters – maybe more. This blog could be exclusively about fear: Ordinary Fear, with a Splash of Phobia! I’m an expert.
I wish I could offer you a three step solution to dissolve any fears you have. I can’t. I can tell you this: Your fears, and mine, hold us back from the abundant life Christ wants us to have.
We can stay in the nest, where it’s safe and warm and we’re taken care of. We can hide in our shell so that we never get hurt. That’s where Satan wants us. Careful. Safe. Harmless. Never taking risks for the Lord. Never growing. Is that where you want to be? Me either!
I like how the Amplified Bible states John 10:10:
“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”
Satan wants to steal our abundance and destroy our lives. Christ wants us to have a life that is full to overflowing!
A few years back, I started stepping out of my comfort zone. I don’t know exactly what changed. I guess I realized life is too short to be safe. I found that when I take steps that stretch me beyond my own abilities, God is going to take me on an adventure! I’ll be scared, but I’ll be soaring!
Ohhh, the freedom of flying when I jump out of the nest! The freedom of stretching out of the shell and not being frightened! Facing fears with Christ, is finding freedom in Christ.
Will I be parachuting out of an airplane anytime soon? Nope, not on the bucket list. Do I always step out in fearless faith? No, sometimes the old fears hold me hostage. But I’m not letting Satan and my fears hold me back the way I used to.
My prayer is that you won’t either…and that you’re not a slow learner like I am!
Go ahead, just jump!
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
Linking up today with Tell Me a True Story and Holly Gerth Coffee for Your Heart!
I also have so many fears. Too many to mention. So glad I have God to catch me when I fall, and that He teaches me to trust Him more and more everyday! Oh how I wish that we lived close to each other Ellen. I miss you and I think our friendship would be so awesome at this point in our lives. 🙂
You just made me cry! Happy/sad tears! Oh, yes, we’d be a friendship force to be reckoned with! I love you sweet Elizabeth!
I’m with you on this. I always figure I’d rather take risks and fail at something than regret later that I never tried.
Like in our writing, huh, Betsy? Thanks for stopping by!
What a great reminder that God wants us to step out in faith, trusting that He has us, and wants us to soar to new heights with Him. Does it include risks, most assuredly! However, it’s always worth moving forward in pursuit of following His plan for our life. I cringe to think of all the blessings we would have missed had we not followed through with His nudging to step out in faith by moving here… “Oh, the places you’ll go…” IF you choose to step outside your comfort zone 🙂
How true Debbie – Glad you and Chuck listened to His nudging! Thanks for stopping by!
Ellen, I love how you splash humor into this post about a very real subject. The pictures are awesome and really help me visualize what you’re saying. I’ve struggled with fear a lot in my life too, and God has brought me such a long way. He’s not finished with me, thank goodness, and this post is an excellent reminder that Christ came to give us LIFE. (love that verse)
Thank you Abby!
Ellen, I too am a cautious girl. Thank you so much for the reminder to just jump! Love the photos and graphics.
Thank you Carmen! Thanks for stopping by. Check your Compel messages later today. About Blog Buddies…I haven’t written the message yet, but hope to during lunch 🙂
Congratulations on facing your fears – I hope you keep on taking those leaps of faith and getting outside your comfort zone knowing He will always be there to catch you. Comfortable is not a place worth living – short stays in the comfort zone are okay but then you have to get out and do something scary. It’s the only way to honor Him.
Amen Laura! Thanks for stopping by!
Joyce Meyer with a book she wrote by the same Title, says DO it AFRAID !! I loved your post and it is true that there are times we must leave the nest and get out there. Thank you for sharing with us here at “Tell Me a Story.”
And as I found, if you stay in the nest too long, too comfortable, God might just have to push you out to get you falling, and crying out to Him and reaching for Him, and then flying under His wings. I believe leaving the nest is the only way to experience God’s love more fully. I know it is true for me. Thanks for this great message, Ellen. Blessings to you.
Amen Sabra! Thanks for stopping by!
Ellen, this is a beautiful, encouraging post. You’ve helped me move to faith instead of staying stuck in fear. So many people can relate to your words. Keep telling them! Keep sharing them! You are making a difference, for Christ, dear sister! God bless you!
Thank you, sweet Julie! I appreciate you and your encouraging words! I will e-mail you when I get to my “real” computer! In the meantime: THANKS!